Monday, October 26, 2009

time goes by

It's week 4 already..

Why the time is passed so easily?

Many assingments and exercises

were appeared at the same time..

Time was left..

But don't know what to do also..

Blur blur..

Always like that one..

Don't want to do anything..

Then will feel that time given

is no enough to do those homeworks..

Why i'm too lazy one..

I don't know..

Even know that

everytime want to change..

Why can't change it??


One more thing is got

someone who is fXXk,

always leave KNS comment

on my chat box..

Unwilling soul??

But I think called

unwinning soul is more better loh..

KNS people..

You think who you are??

Come out and one by one..

Don't alway spam my chat box..


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