Thursday, March 04, 2010


Why my dardar always like that d??


If you really want to break,

Then we break..

Why dardar always like to say break??

I don't know..

I only know that when u said break,

I'm very unhappy..

then I'll become angry..

Everytime also the same..

Why break will alway come out from your mouth??

I got nothing to say..

Very sad..

Many things I want to tell you..

But I got no chance..

All the time I have used to cool you up..

Then my sadness I can only let a side..

I got nothing to say..

I can only say,

If you wanna to break,

then we break..

We knew that we are no suitable to each other..

Don't waste your time..

but one thing I can say is..

I love U..


I'll love you till the day you DON'T love me anymore..

Maybe it is TODAY..

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